This year protests and calls for social justice against police brutality dominated conversation throughout the year . Our organization stood with many on the front lines & traveled to Washington DC for the 57th anniversary of the historic March on Washington, where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech. During this trip we spoke to National Geographic for a piece set to air on MLK’s Birthday and advocated for legislation that would remove slavery from the United States constitution.
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April 23rd The Love We Don’t See surprised students and parents at 59th St. Elementary with food, essential supplies , and journals as apart of our Journal Unity Campaign ! This event was put together as a way to show students and parents alike that they will always have the support of the community behind them.

On this date October 24th 2019 The Love We Don’t See organized our first event and partnered with Digital Dragon to celebrate an Hour of Code event at 59th St Elementary. Thanks to Digital Dragon we were able to provide students with a memorable coding/programming experience where they received an introduction into the tech world .

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